The open source for projects and innovations for safer waters and better sea rescue.

by Fredrik Falkman, SSRS

Subject Support, Training
Status Ongoing
Results On Market/Implemented
Owner Type Rescue organizations is a place for any and all projects related to sea rescue. A place to share, a place to find, a place for cooperations to form, a place to call for project work that needs to be done.


The goal for is to become the place for sharing and finding what’s been done, what going on, whats needed, and what might be possible in safer waters and in sea rescue. We intend to start out small scale, locally, with mostly student projects. We will be prototyping until we have good form for very diverse needs. Eventually we hope to host everything from garage inventors to institutional research and commercial projects from all corners of the globe.


Some fields in society have organized their collective knowledge — some on a basic level, some in the most elaborate ways. In science or medicine, for example, publishing the outcomes of research projects is a given. Researchers, innovators and practitioners can stand on the shoulders of generations of giants, and humanity is better of for it. Sea rescue and general water safety doesn’t seem to be so lucky. Countless projects throughout history have tried to improve countless aspects of the field. Many projects are underway right now. But there is no one place to find out about them. No one place to see what has been done already, or what others are working on. Rescue organizations have always embraced and promoted cooperation and sharing, but there has never been a useful platform to do it. Similar problems are being addressed in different parts of the world, sometimes even in different organizations in one country, without the project teams knowing about each other, and without the results being shared.


We think that a web based open source of projects presented in an easily digested form, with powerful searching and categorization will make it easy to share and find projects. With, we hope to help accelerate innovation, foster new cooperations, share new knowledge. We hope to help project teams find earlier projects to draw from, successful results as well as what didn’t work so well. We hope to better and to shorten the research of new projects by others sharing their research, inspirations, links and references. We hope to short-circuit innovation by helping project teams working on different aspects of similar problems to find each other to be able to cooperate. We hope to give organizations with limited development resources the opportunity to communicate their needs or ideas, and we hope that will give students, researchers and commercial companies ideas for good projects to work on. We hope to help project teams spread their results. We hope to help Rescue organizations find new input, products and methods to make their work safer and more efficient. In the end, we hope to help saving more lives on waters everywhere.


Theres no denying it, Kickstarter is a major inspiration for Of course we’ve also eyed other crowd funding sites as well as sites like Researchgate. …


Please ask us anything via the contact box on the right!

Project Updates

18/2 2014 Another batch of tickets ticked of. Making and editing projects, including uploading images and embedding videos should work much more smoothly now.
20/1 2014 A lot of stuff fixed.
20/11 2013 Preview mode added to project edit page
4/11 2013 Design updates and a long laundry list of bug fixes done. Slowly geting into shape!
29/5 2013 Invitations to submit projects to our beta group – 6 projects from Chalmers University of technology; First year student groups at the Design engineering program; 5 week group project in design methodology.
27/5 2013 is live enough to cautiously invite submissions…
17/5 2013 The first halting beta page is live!
16/5 2013 (the domain, that is…) is ours! The .org address of the newest place on earth!
13/5 2013 A small tap for man, a giant splash for (sea)mankind! We have just contracted a web developer to turn our plans for a web based sea recue project database into solid code and web site beauty. Erik Bernskiold of Bernskiold Media.

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Who is behind the project? is a project in prototype stage from the Innovation office at the Swedish Sea Rescue Society, SSRS. The SSRS is a non-profit organization that performs 70% of sea rescues in Sweden thanks to some 2000 volunteers . Our constitution says that — aside from perform sea rescue operations — we are to further the interest in sea rescue matters, and to propose ways to improve sea rescue. is a way to address the two first commandments. The person heading the project is me, Fredrik Falkman. I’m a trained industrial designer working for the SSRS with development projects, general innovation as well as systematization of innovation. Beside my work at the SSRS, I run a design consultancy: Fredrik Falkman Design AB, FFD. To my help developing, I have Erik Bernskiold of Bernskiold Media. I’m most grateful for the input from early users submitting projects, giving us real content and real interactions to design and develop the service around.


If you have any questions about this project, you can send the project owner a message from here.


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