Högre nyttjande av höghållfasta stål
I januari i år sparkade Stena Teknik, SSAB, MacGregor, Chalmers och RISE igång innovationsprojektet ELÄTTRA, finansierat av Trafikverket genom Lighthouse branschprogram för Hållbar Sjöfart. ELÄTTRA söker svaret på hur vi bättre kan använda höghållfasta ståls många fördelar inom skeppsbyggnadskonsten. Den förhärskande sanningen har länge varit att höghållfasta stål spelar...
By Chalmers, RISE
Studying how learning in Virtual and Augmented Reality generalises to skills needed to perform in real life.
This is a project for a master thesis or two. It is a part of a research project funded by Office of Naval Research Global, US. There is thus some funds to support travel and absorb expenses. Despite the description starting with the Background and below, there is a...
Rescue From beneath
Unmanned Underwater Rescue Catamaran (URC).
This is additional information and explanation to my illustration of the UURC.
The task of the UURC: Resque operations mainly for people in water, preventing drowning or freezing.
By J.H.Wegener
No moving parts, less drag, easy waterproofing.
A gyro stabilized gimbal camera on a UAV offers smooth, straight horizon video even in turbulent conditions. How might we stream stabilized video without a physical gimbal?
By Fredrik Falkan, SSRS
Publishing a Cloud-connected Vehicle’s position through the AIS Ground Station Network
Help us build the service layer that pulls position data from a Cloud Service, converts it to the AIS message format and pushes the messages to the Ground Station Network Servers!
By Fredrik Falkan, SSRS
More sets of eyes are better than fewer.
How might we better the lookout in maritime searches by sharing an online video feed over social networks?
By Fredrik Falkman, SSRS
Web based drone control
How might we design a robust service that can stay connected to a fleet of launch-ready drones and provide instant access for operators anywhere?
By Fredrik Falkan, SSRS
Operational profile - Aerodynamic configuration - Off-the-shelf solutions suitability - Aerodynamic design - Prototyping
What would be the optimum airframe for the SSRS drone use profile? Is it commercially available? If not, what would it look like?
By Fredrik Falkman
How might we deliver an AED safely and precisely from a small fixed wing drone?
By Fredrik Falkman, SSRS