Högre nyttjande av höghållfasta stål
I januari i år sparkade Stena Teknik, SSAB, MacGregor, Chalmers och RISE igång innovationsprojektet ELÄTTRA, finansierat av Trafikverket genom Lighthouse branschprogram för Hållbar Sjöfart. ELÄTTRA söker svaret på hur vi bättre kan använda höghållfasta ståls många fördelar inom skeppsbyggnadskonsten. Den förhärskande sanningen har länge varit att höghållfasta stål spelar...
By Chalmers, RISE
Finding a good construction and design for a coastal environment
For a good implementation of the use of drones in sea-rescue operations, there is a need to develop autonomous launching boxes for fixed-wing drones.
By Thure Waller, Ola Delfin, Axel Westfelt, Filip Svalander, Lukas Riedel
Development of a product solution for recovery to nearby ships - part of project FIRST
The project aims to create a scalable solution that enables all suitable ships to efficiently aid in mass rescue operations at sea, by recovering people in distress from survival crafts to safety on board.
By Niclas Drevinger & Frida Halt
Part of project FIRST - report in Swedish
This is a thesis project made in collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology and the Swedish Sea Rescue Society with the aim of developing a better method of connecting life rafts in preparation for lifting.
By Karin Karlsson & Alexandra Torstensson
Operational profile - Aerodynamic configuration - Off-the-shelf solutions suitability - Aerodynamic design - Prototyping
What would be the optimum airframe for the SSRS drone use profile? Is it commercially available? If not, what would it look like?
By Fredrik Falkman
How might we connect a lifting wire to a liftable life raft at sea without having persons on the water doing it?
Lifting life rafts — with people in them — to the safety onboard a nearby ship, would be a very fast way to rescue people after a mass evacuation at sea. But if the helping ship has to launch a rescue boat to connect the rafts, that means putting...
By Fredrik Falkman, SSRS
Development of a path following system for a RescueRunner
This path following system allows the RescueRunner to follow a bigger rescue boat to the scene of the accident without the help of a driver.
By Anton Bergholtz & Carl-Adam Hernvall