
Owner Type


Högre nyttjande av höghållfasta stål

I januari i år sparkade Stena Teknik, SSAB, MacGregor, Chalmers och RISE igång innovationsprojektet ELÄTTRA, finansierat av Trafikverket genom Lighthouse branschprogram för Hållbar Sjöfart. ELÄTTRA söker svaret på hur vi bättre kan använda höghållfasta ståls många fördelar inom skeppsbyggnadskonsten. Den förhärskande sanningen har länge varit att höghållfasta stål spelar...

By Chalmers, RISE

Call For Project

Learning in VR – does it work?

Studying how learning in Virtual and Augmented Reality generalises to skills needed to perform in real life.

This is a project for a master thesis or two. It is a part of a research project funded by Office of Naval Research Global, US. There is thus some funds to support travel and absorb expenses. Despite the description starting with the Background and below, there is a...

Kylsystem till torrdräkt

Chalmers projektgrupp 19

Vår grupp skall, innan sista veckan i LP4, utveckla ett integrerat kylsystem med temperaturreglering till befintliga torrdräkter för att göra dem behagliga att ha på sig i varierande miljöer.

By Daniel Dehlin, Jonathan Fahlbeck, Louisa Hultmark, Hampus Nilsson, Sylvester Serban Stankic

Multilingual Communications Tool

Design Sprint

The RNLI has conducted a design sprint on the challenge of communicating at point of rescue. This was an idea submitted to the RNLI's Open Innovation Platform by the Station Manager at Gravesend Lifeboat Station in Kent.

By Jason Carroll, Hannah Nobbs and Will Roberts, RNLI

Call For Project


Remotely Connecting Life Rafts for Lifting

How might we connect a lifting wire to a liftable life raft at sea without having persons on the water doing it?

Lifting life rafts — with people in them — to the safety onboard a nearby ship, would be a very fast way to rescue people after a mass evacuation at sea. But if the helping ship has to launch a rescue boat to connect the rafts, that means putting...

By Fredrik Falkman, SSRS