Towing device for Rescuerunner

Different transport solutions for the Rescuerunner.

by Julia Arell, Erik Arvidsson, Viktor Robertsson, Tor Sonesson

Subject Rescue
Status Finished
Owner Type Students


As a cooperation between the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) and design students at Chalmers University of Technology, the purpose of this project has been to generate a concept/solution that, in case of emergency, enables quick and easy connection and towing possibility of the Rescuerunner.

For rescue missions in shallow water, SSRS developed the Rescuerunner. It is designed to simplify the rescuing and is invaluable in many situations. The Rescuerunner is, however, less suited to be run longer distances, since it has turend out to be physically exhausting for the resucers. The Rescuerunner itself can’t be towed as it is driven by a water jet. When the engine is off, the water inlet is exposed and while towing at speeds above 5 knots, there is a risc that water will mix with the fuel.


The device keeps the Rescuerunner above sea level and therefore offers protection while kept stand-by at the harbour. This project has focused on the floating dock but it is of importance that the connection between the main boat and the device can be performed quick and easily. When leaving the harbour and during the route it will carry the Rescuerunner safe and smoothly to the scene of the accident. By doing this the exhausting long-distance driving with the Rescuerunner is avoided. This allows the rescuer to be well-rested and fully capable of performing the saving act.

It should be easy to place the device alongside or aft of the main boat in order to board it and release the Rescuerunner. By connecting the device aft of the boat, the Rescuerunner can easily be put back into the transporting position. Depending of the design it might be necessary to integrate some sort of shock absorption. Our main concept to be further developed is best described as ” transportable catamaran drive-on dock”.

An alternative solution turned out to be an inflatable version. The good thing about this concept is that it offers the possibility to equip the main boats with the possibility to pick up and bring home an anchored Rescue runner at sea.

Who is behind the project?

We are four first year students from Chalmers University of Technology. This is a 5 week group project in design methodology.


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