Call For Project
Defibrillator Drone Lander
The Swedish Sea Rescue Society is aiming to set up a coastal network of small, remotely launched fixed wing drones for early situational awareness. The choice of a small, light and soft fixed wing is to minimise risk to third parties on the ground and in the air as technology and regulations to fly safely beyond the pilot’s line of sight are still developing. How might we extend this future system to deliver further benefits?
In Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests, the chance of survival is greatly increased if an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is used within the first couple of minutes. In rural areas the ambulance will often not arrive soon enough.
We would like to explore the possibility of delivering AED:s by means of our planned fleet of fixed wing drones.
To do this we would need a system where the remote operator could choose whether to bring the AED or not at the launching moment. The AED would then be dropped from a safe altitude. In order to deliver the AED safely and precisely it would need to have a landing mechanism which could navigate it to a point chosen on the video stream from the fixed wing drone, and to slow it down to the point where it would pose no harm to persons on the ground.
We envision a very small and light shrouded quadcopter with just enough energy to perform one safe landing, but we are open to any suggestions.
A. Claesson et al. – Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in out- of-hospital-cardiac-arrest
Who is behind the project?
This is a project from the Innovation office at Swedish Sea Rescue Society, SSRS. The SSRS is a non-profit organization that performs the majority of sea rescues in Sweden thanks to some 2000 volunteers. Our constitution says that we are to:
- Further the interest in sea rescue matters
- Propose ways to improve sea rescue
- Perform sea rescue operations
The person proposing this project is me, Fredrik Falkman. I’m an industrial designer by training working for the SSRS with development projects and general innovation.
If you have any questions about this project, you can send the project owner a message from here.
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