a safer boating experience

by Malin Andersson

Subject Personal safety
Status Finished
Results Concept
Owner Type Students

This video describes parts of my process in this project. I participated in the lifesavers course for own safety, at Öckerö in Sweden to get some insights in what kind of risk a person out at sea could be facing. I also got to see the equipment the lifesavers use and insights into their work methods. At a later stage I tested my concepts in the swimming pool because the winter in the north Sweden did not allow for outdoor swimming.

This project is a master thesis in the Advanced Product Design program at Umeå University 2014.

Because boating and being out at sea is something important to me, I looked into this area as a topic for my master thesis in product design. I found a great challenge in trying to reduce deaths in relation to recreational boating. Every year many people drown in these circumstances. In many cases due to poor safety measures and lack of good judgment, and of course, bad luck.

My project became focused on the problem of getting back up in the boat after one has fallen over board. This is because many of the smallest boats, where most accidents happen, often lack any form of ladder or aid to get up.

My result is a concept proposal for a foldable footstep that can be reached from the water and act as an aid in climbing back into the boat.

The project was done collaboration with Sjöräddningssällskapet, but not funded by them or any other organization.

Step mounted on boat.
REDEO – concept
Concept shown from outside of the boat.
REDEO – concept shown from outside of the boat.
User test in the swimming pool
User test in the swimming pool
Picture showing the inflation units activated, that can be an option for very small boats that risk tipping while the user tries to climb.
Picture showing the inflation units activated, that can be an option for very small boats that risk tipping while the user tries to climb.
Underwater view.
Product ready to be used.

Read the full project report

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Who is behind the project?

My name is Malin Andersson, and I am a Swedish product designer. I have a bachelor in industrial design from Umeå Institute of Design and now a master in Advanced Product Design from the same school. Right now I live in Milan, Italy for an internship at a design agency.

I have always been sailing and spent my summers on water as much as I could, so any topic regarding boats and water is interesting to me. As a designer I want to solve problems that could make a difference to peoples lives.

My portfolio can be found here:


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